Gilded Day
“Gilded Day” brings to life the indomitable beauty of living in the lush woodlands of the Carolinas. You know the feeling if you live here or have visited… Do you want to feel the green gold warmth on your skin again? You can bring that feeling indoors with this piece. Its statement size will be a welcome reminder. Nothing feels more abundant than this!
Gilded Day is a 40” by 30” acrylic painting on 1.5” gallery wrapped canvas. Choose “large” or “local pickup” for shipping options. Frame shown on mock up is not included.
“Gilded Day” brings to life the indomitable beauty of living in the lush woodlands of the Carolinas. You know the feeling if you live here or have visited… Do you want to feel the green gold warmth on your skin again? You can bring that feeling indoors with this piece. Its statement size will be a welcome reminder. Nothing feels more abundant than this!
Gilded Day is a 40” by 30” acrylic painting on 1.5” gallery wrapped canvas. Choose “large” or “local pickup” for shipping options. Frame shown on mock up is not included.
“Gilded Day” brings to life the indomitable beauty of living in the lush woodlands of the Carolinas. You know the feeling if you live here or have visited… Do you want to feel the green gold warmth on your skin again? You can bring that feeling indoors with this piece. Its statement size will be a welcome reminder. Nothing feels more abundant than this!
Gilded Day is a 40” by 30” acrylic painting on 1.5” gallery wrapped canvas. Choose “large” or “local pickup” for shipping options. Frame shown on mock up is not included.