Midnight in the Garden
I was captured recently in the view of the back garden in the moonlight. Things happen there, wildness that spreads its tendrils and roots. The next day you can see something has changed, but you can’t pinpoint it: Was it the deer eating the figs off the tree, or the slender grass snake weaving a subtle pattern over the ground cover? It’s hard to say. But this unspoken presence, only comfortable in the moonlight, takes over in the wildest way, and you’ve suddenly got a garden that’s having its way with you, instead of the other way around.
This is a 12” by 12” acrylic/mixed media piece painted on paper, making it a brilliant value for you. I recommend the website Frame it Easy for a seamless and well priced framing experience. All original work is signed and includes a certificate of authenticity. Select “small” for shipping option for non-local buyers. If you are local to the Charlotte, NC area, delivery/pickup can be arranged. Select “shipping included” option after you place this item in your cart.
I was captured recently in the view of the back garden in the moonlight. Things happen there, wildness that spreads its tendrils and roots. The next day you can see something has changed, but you can’t pinpoint it: Was it the deer eating the figs off the tree, or the slender grass snake weaving a subtle pattern over the ground cover? It’s hard to say. But this unspoken presence, only comfortable in the moonlight, takes over in the wildest way, and you’ve suddenly got a garden that’s having its way with you, instead of the other way around.
This is a 12” by 12” acrylic/mixed media piece painted on paper, making it a brilliant value for you. I recommend the website Frame it Easy for a seamless and well priced framing experience. All original work is signed and includes a certificate of authenticity. Select “small” for shipping option for non-local buyers. If you are local to the Charlotte, NC area, delivery/pickup can be arranged. Select “shipping included” option after you place this item in your cart.
I was captured recently in the view of the back garden in the moonlight. Things happen there, wildness that spreads its tendrils and roots. The next day you can see something has changed, but you can’t pinpoint it: Was it the deer eating the figs off the tree, or the slender grass snake weaving a subtle pattern over the ground cover? It’s hard to say. But this unspoken presence, only comfortable in the moonlight, takes over in the wildest way, and you’ve suddenly got a garden that’s having its way with you, instead of the other way around.
This is a 12” by 12” acrylic/mixed media piece painted on paper, making it a brilliant value for you. I recommend the website Frame it Easy for a seamless and well priced framing experience. All original work is signed and includes a certificate of authenticity. Select “small” for shipping option for non-local buyers. If you are local to the Charlotte, NC area, delivery/pickup can be arranged. Select “shipping included” option after you place this item in your cart.